We are the Radio Amateur Club Of Oneida Neighbors in Malad Idaho, USA
Hello there neighbor and welcome to our great club in Malad, ID! We are a dedicated group of amateur radio operators (hams) who provide public service and communications for Oneida county and beyond.
You can find us on the air on our 448.950- 77.0 repeater or 146.540 Simplex
See the repeater page for more information.
Net held Sundays at 8:00PM
Check out our Facebook group for the most recent ongoings
Upcoming Events:
Winter Field Day - 25-26 January
(preliminary tally)
Event ran from 12:00 noon on Saturday to 15:00 on Sunday
Thank You, to everyone who participated and supported this event in any way. We consider this our best year to date.
271 contacts, scoring is still in progress.
Band CW Phone Dig Total %
---- -- ----- --- ----- ---
80 0 3 0 3 1
40 0 24 3 27 10
20 20 125 0 145 54
15 14 76 0 90 33
10 0 6 0 6 2
-- ----- --- ----- ---
Total 34 234 3 271 100
Club Meeting - 6 February
We will be discussing antennas, antenna theory, and answering questions.
If you would like to give a brief presentation on your antenna project please bring it or some method of display.
Latest News:
Custom Club Badges
Bill/Tracy have made arrangements with "The Sign Man" to make custom badges with the club logo.
To order yours go to: https://thesignman.com/clubs/racoonscart.html
Unless otherwise stated, meetings take place at the Oneida County "Search and Rescue" building.
449 S Main St, Malad City, ID 83252